Dog Watches As Owner Is Handcuffed & Charged With Beating Him On Rooftop

When 23-year-old Houston, Texas resident Manuel Salvatierra took his dog to the top of his apartment building, he thought no one could see him. The cowardly man went to the rooftop of the building and began severely abusing his innocent dog, writes ilovemydogsomuch

Thanks to a surveillance in the area, evidence of the abuse was shown to police. Salvatierra is seen yanking the leash of his eight-year-old Labrador Retriever, Bear.

The dog began to cower, at which point Salvatierra hit and kicked the dog repeatedly. Police were contacted and they showed up to the man’s apartment a short time later.

Salvatierra was handcuffed and charged with animal cruelty as his sweet pup safely kept his distance from his abuser. As Animal Control and the police escorted both owner and dog away, Bear was seen wagging his tail.

The dog now resides at the local SPCA and will receive a veterinary exam to check for any injuries. In the meantime, he will get care until Salvatierra’s virtual hearing.


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