Stray Dog Wonders Why No One Loves Her, Chases Running Cars & Begs For A Home

Blue’s life as an orphaned stray dog on the beach was never easy. She would often starve and wonder why no one showed her love, writes ilovemydogsomuch

In her desperation to find a home, she would chase running cars and beg for love. But everything changed one day, when Blue’s miserable plight was noticed by a kind woman.

The woman was haunted by Blue’s lonely, sad eyes. She immediately took the wandering stray out of the beach. The sweet dog was shivering in tears as she finally felt love for the first time. The woman later arranged a foster home for Blue, and started looking for a family that would adopt her.

The woman’s efforts finally paid off as Blue found her forever home with a nurturing family. Her new family realized that Blue had a very comforting presence, so they decided to help her get trained as a therapy dog. Blue’s training was a revelation, as everyone was surprised with her healing abilities.

Today, Blue is a certified therapy dog who is a favorite among sick and disabled patients. Her kind eyes overflow with such a loving aura that everyone who comes in contact with her instantly feels better. Her isolated and deprived life as a stray infused her with empathy and made her the healing force that she is today. What an inspiration!

Click the video below to watch an enchanting tribute to Blue’s fateful story made by her beloved rescuer!


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