Couple Find 3 Shivering Puppies Living In A Sheep Carcass, Hunt For Mama Dog On

A Utah couple, Kat Perry and Corey Holt, rescued 3 Great Pyrenees puppies from a remote mountaintop while snowmobiling in the Monte Cristo range, writes ilovemydogsomuch

They first spotted the puppies shivering inside a sheep carcass with their mama dog still beside them. However, the scared mama dog wouldn’t let the couple near her babies.

The couple was worried that the dog and her puppies would die of cold and starvation in the isolated mountains. They asked “Weber County Search and Rescue” for help and returned to the spot to save the stranded family. After much struggle, they were able to bring the suffering puppies to safety. However, the mama dog had gone missing by then and remained untraceable.

After spending hours looking for the mama dog, the rescue team left a huge pile of dog food and returned to town to tend to the puppies. Kat and Corey decided to adopt one of the 7-week-old puppies, while the rest have been put under the care of “Hope’s Rescue” until their adoptions.

Investigators believe that the mother of the puppies is a sheep dog who went away from her owner to give birth to the litter. So far, no one has come forward to claim the dogs. Volunteers are still combing the area in hopes of finding the mama dog, and have asked the local public to keep an eye out for her. Spread the word.

Click the video below to watch how Kat and Corey went out of their way to rescue the stranded puppies.


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