Dog dies 15 minutes after its 25-year-old owner loses sad battle with cancer

Anyone who has had a dog as a pet knows how strong and unbreakable that bond between them becomes, writes animaland

When a dog dies it can affect the owner very badly because he considered it part of his family. Often a dog loses itself after losing its owner.

Stuart Hutchison was 25 years old, lived in the United Kingdom and was a very good person. He adored animals and had three dogs himself. This guy was battling a tumor that unfortunately overwhelmed him after eight years of fighting.

Although he loved all his pets equally, Stuart still had a wonderful relationship with his Nero, who is otherwise a French bulldog. They were always together. They never separated. When Stuart died, it was 15 minutes before Nero’s death. He escorted him and followed him.

Stuart’s mother Fiona Conaghan told People that Nero was always there for him.

The two of them left many friends who were very dear to them. Stuart was abandoned by his wife Danielle, with whom he shared a married life for a year during his unfortunate death. There’s also Nala, a friend of Nero and Amelia, their little puppy.

This guy also had a mother, Fiona Conaghan, a 52-year-old who always took care of her son in the most difficult moments. As she says, even though they knew that the end of all this was approaching, again his departure was difficult and painful.

Nero was quite young, he was only 2 years old when he left this world. He had health problems, but everything went well. They thought that some physical illness might be to blame, but he obviously did not want to go through life further without someone who represents everything in this world to him, his owner.

It is impossible to know what follows after death, but we believe that somewhere Stuart and his pet Nero met again.

This story tells us how strong love can be between a man and an animal.


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