Fishermen See “Flickering Black Spot” On A Remote Bank, Begin Boating Toward It

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It was a lazy afternoon when 2 fishermen spotted a “flickering black spot” on a far-off bank of an isolated river. The duo thought it would be prudent to inspect the area, and they began navigating their boat toward the bank. Their instincts proved to be right – as they discovered a starving puppy whining nervously after being abandoned in the middle of nowhere, writes

The fishermen had no idea how long the puppy had been surviving on the narrow bank filled with slippery mud and prickly, dried-up vegetation. There was no living soul in the vicinity, which indicated that the puppy’s owner simply wanted him to rot and die alone in the wilderness.

As the fishermen sailed closer to the bank, the puppy wiggled around in happiness and almost slipped into the river. Seeing the imminent peril posed by the unreliable terrain, one of the fishermen decided to stretch his body toward the puppy in hopes of grabbing him. However, the puppy perched on a slimy branch, which upped the stakes of the difficult rescue.

Watch this video till the end to see how the fishermen braved through many hurdles to rescue the terrified puppy. These lovely humans later updated that they fed the puppy well and nursed him back to health over the next few weeks. They even got him adopted into a cozy forever home in their neighborhood!

Click the video below to watch the tense moments as the fishermen try to rescue the stranded puppy!

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