156 Tortured Laboratory Dogs Get Rescued, But They’re Scared To Leave Their Cages

The rescue group “Compassion Unlimited Plus Action” (CUPA) has been committed toward the cause of eliminating the cruel practice of laboratory testing on dogs. In a recent endeavor, the group managed to strike a deal with the authorities who supervise the extensive animal testing labs, writes ilovemydogsomuch.tv

As per the deal, the authorities have made it mandatory for the labs to release the dogs after 3 years of testing. Thanks to this agreement, the dogs won’t just remain as voiceless, unloved test subjects, but will be given a fair chance at life again. CUPA workers have already managed to rescue 156 Beagles with the authorities’ support!

In this video, we see 42 of the rescued Beagles’ who arrive at the shelter for the first time. Years of captivity in the laboratory has visibly taken a toll on them as the dogs barely know what to do when the workers open their crates. The workers scoop the poor dogs out, clean them up, and show them what the real world looks like!

It takes some time but the dogs finally discover the taste of freedom in a heartwarming moment! They embrace their new lives and happily trot around the shelter to celebrate this precious feeling of breaking free. We hope laboratory testing on dogs is stopped altogether. Let’s raise our voices against the sickening laboratory testing practices forced on helpless dogs!

Click the video below to watch the poor dogs get their first taste of freedom!

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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