Dog Tied To Pole Reaches Out Paw To Cop Who Came To Save Him

“He gave her his paw, as if to say, ‘Please help get me out of here.’”

Florida-based Police Officer Angela Laurela recently received a report that two dogs had been tied to polls on a street in Pompano writes

Unfortunately, there is no street camera in that area so it was not possible for her to tell how long they had been there, or who had left them.

It was an extremely hot day the temperatures reaching up to 100 degrees, so Angela knew she had to act quickly.

She found a frail-looking dog tied to a pole in such a way that he couldn’t move much.

“He was tied to a pole with a very short leash, he was absolutely emaciated, dehydrated, with every bone and rib protruding.”

Now given the name Liam, the dog reach out its paw to touch the police officer’s hand and bowed its head.

“She just walked toward him very slowly and reached out her hand, and he kind of cowered and gave her his paw, as if to say, ‘Please help get me out of here,’”

It was clear that Liam needed some special care and attention, so the officer got in touch with 100+ Abandoned Dogs of Everglades Florida. Without hesitation, they accepted Liam, despite the rescue centre being overcapacity.

Liam is now eating more than ever, building back his strength, and regularly visiting the vet.

“He’s receiving so much love around the clock. He’s being fed every hour on the hour so his body gets used to it … We have volunteers who are cooking batches of boiled chicken and rice, so he’s loving life right now.”

Liam is a real ray of sunshine.

“He loves everybody, and there’s not a mean bone in this dog’s body,” Roman said. “To me, that says it all, because after everything he’s endured, he’s still so grateful and forgiving.”

Every dog deserves a second chance, and that’s what makes shelters and rescues so crucial.

“I think humanity can definitely learn a thing or two from dogs such as Liam, it just restores your faith.”


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