Cops Enter Woman’s House And Find Puppy With 4 Broken Legs And A Broken Jaw

When South Ogden Animal Control received a call from a landlord about “dead animals”, they had no idea they were going to uncover a spine-chilling case of animal cruelty, writes ilovemydogsomuch

As the officers arrived at the residence of the tenant, they were appalled to discover 3 sickly cats and a 5-month-old puppy suffering from all kinds of abuse-related injuries.

The puppy, named Evangeline, had particularly sustained extreme injuries all over her body. She was emaciated and had no access to water. She also had a nasty head injury and a swollen jaw. As the officers investigated the home, they were further disgusted to find a dead cat wrapped in a washcloth and hidden away inside a cardboard box.

Evangeline was immediately transferred to the hospital for emergency care. The mix breed puppy was found to have 4 broken legs, multiple fractures, a broken jaw, a skull fracture, and broken ribs. The injuries were old and new, and were on different stages of healing. Evangeline flat-lined twice during her treatment, but she is slowly finding the strength to recover.

The cops soon launched an animal cruelty investigation against the owner of these animals, 21-year-old Victoria Dudnik. The woman denied abusing the animals, but her neighbors admitted to having heard “severe banging noises and yipping sounds” coming from her condo on many occasions.

Later, it was also found that Evangeline was actually a missing puppy from the Humane Society. Victoria claimed that she found the puppy on the streets and that her injuries were caused by a hit-and-run. However, the vets have confirmed that Evangeline’s wounds are akin to multiple assaults and not a car accident.

Over the course of the investigation, cops found blood and animal feces covered on the walls of Victoria’s home. 2 bags of drugs and drug paraphernalia were also hoarded away in the place. Eventually, Victoria admitted to “having the dog and refusing her medical help”, but still denied injuring her.

As per reports, Victoria has been arrested for cruelty to animals, distributing a controlled substance (both third-degree felonies), and possessing drug paraphernalia (class B misdemeanor). She was initially detained at Weber County Jail, but later ordered to be released on conditions.


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