Squirrel Wants Stranger To Follow Her To Her Baby, Jumps At His Leg

We know squirrels as pretty timid and hesitant animals who don’t let people get close to them, and that’s what makes the following story so unreal, writes ilovemydogsomuch

But it’s a true story, and the photos prove it! A man was walking through the park one day when a squirrel came out of nowhere and right up to him.

He found the squirrel’s behavior strange and took out his phone to take some pictures. The animal seemed as if she wanted to show him something and jumped right at his leg! She then quickly ran off to a big oak tree nearby, and the man followed to see what she wanted.

There at the bottom of the tree, a baby squirrel lay with an injured leg with a gray cat hanging out in the bushes just watching. That’s when the stranger put it all together. This cat must’ve attacked the baby, and the mother was able to fight off the first attack. But now she needed help, so the man chased away the cat and called animal rescue. They showed up and checked out both squirrels before relocating them to a safer part of the park. Wow! Check out the video below for the full story.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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