Tiny Battered Dog Sets Eyes On Dying Man And Asked To Go Home With Him

A man who was suffering from end-stage liver disease attributes his survival to one thing: his dogs, writes ilovemydogsomuch

Zach, an admitted alcoholic, was told he was at the end of his life. His liver had completely shut down from years of alcohol abuse. His doctors gave him three months to live.

But Zach is still here and swears it’s his dogs that saved his life. Even without a liver transplant, Zach’s health completely turned around. While he lay suffering on his sofa, his dogs surrounded him. Through the miracle of love, Zach’s body began to heal itself. Especially when he embraced the adventures that lay ahead of him with his dogs at his side.

The dog lover decided that if it’s his dogs that saved his life, he would use his time on earth to rescue animals in need. He began to volunteer for the Humane Society and take in fosters (LOTS of fosters!). Zach never turned a dog away.

It’s 12 years later and Zach is still going strong. In fact, he started his own rescue organization, Marley’s Mutts. The organization has saved over 6,000 animals!

This is where a sweet dog named Vida comes in. We meet Vida at the beginning of the video made by The Dodo (posted below!) Vida is just a tiny thing that was brutally injured. Her jaw is broken in six places. Zach decides to take Vida in, no matter what the outcome is.

Once Vida’s mandible is removed, she is in much less pain. Zach is elated. He visits her right after surgery and she comes stumbling over. She knows where the love is at!

Soon, Zach can bring Vida home. Vida is given all the medical support she needs as well as the emotional support she craves. And soon, even without a mandible, Vida learns to eat and drink on her own! It’s incredible.

The little dog’s next step in life is truly a dream come true that you can’t miss. We won’t spoil it for you but let’s just say Zach is certainly paying it forward. As he continues to attribute his survival to his dogs and their love, he continues to save dogs so they too can experience a wonderful life. See Zach’s story and Vida’s happy ending in the video below!

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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