Blind Kitten Roamed The Streets Alone, Unable To See The World Around Him

Peachy was found alone on the streets, struggling to fend for himself, writes ilovemydogsomuch

His eyes were badly damaged from infection, which caused him to go blind. Not only was this poor little kitten scared and alone, but he couldn’t even see the world around him, which made things even scarier for him.

Thankfully, he was rescued by Viktor Larkhill and his team of rescuers, who got him to a vet immediately.

After much examination, it was determined that Peachy’s sight could not be saved, and he sadly had to undergo surgery to have his eyes removed.

Aside from his infected eyes, Peachy was in good health. He was so young and the only life he knew was on the streets. But things were about to change for the better.

Larkhill traveled with Peachy on a plane to take him to his brand new forever home! He settled in nicely and now has a loving family with cat siblings to play with.

Peachy has come a long way from the infected, scared kitten he once was and has grown into a beautiful cat.

Watch his transformation in the video below:


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