Military dog is torn away from beloved sergeant – two years later she hears him screaming her name

Many military men and women get paired up with military dogs when serving in war zones, as dogs have proved to be of significant help to troupes. From war dogs trained in combat to their use as scouts, sentries and trackers, the roles canines play in modern military are varied and extremely important, writes majesticanimals

Human soldiers are taught to look at these dogs as equal partners but not get emotionally attached to them and keep the relationship strictly professional. Needless to say, that is often easier said than done. It’s not uncommon for a human soldier to develop strong friendship relationships with their canine counterparts. And this only makes that moment in which the two have to say their goodbyes that much harder.

The sergeant in the video below knows exactly how it feels. The man had to retire from service due to a back injury. But everything comes with a price as his retirement means saying goodbye to his loyal friend and companion, Cila – a beautiful chocolate Labrador he had served with for years. After he returned back to the States, the man thought he will never get to hang out with Cila or even see her ever again. But then something amazing happened. Take a look!


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