Dog was digging through trash – turns out he was actually saving a life

When it comes to caring for those in need, nothing compares with a dog’s heart. The man’s best friend is not just gentle, but also incredible selfless and always willing to help, writes majesticanimals

Even though everyone knows dogs are such kind-hearted creatures, this pup in Brazil is teaching a lesson of kindness.

Shortly after leaving his home for a run, a police officer in Novo Horizonte, Brazil has spotted Julie – a neighbor’s dog digging through trash. At first the man was very confused, thinking the dog was hungry and therefore looking for some food. But he soon realized the selfless animal was actually driven by a big-heart rather than an empty stomach.

It turns out Julie had rescued a tiny puppy from the trash. The officer could not believed his eyes when witnessed the scene. Knowing the little one needs to be helped, he called Marco Antonio Rodrigues, a volunteer at a local animal shelter.

“[When I arrived], it was a moment of sadness… how can someone act like this?” the animal rescuer told Bored Panda. “She played the most important role by saving the puppy.”

Even Julie saved the little one’s life, the poor puppy still needed a dog able to produce milk, to help him to survive. A mission that hasn’t took too long. Thanks to Antonio Rodrigues efforts, the rescued pup is being well-fed by Lupi, his foster mom. “One dog found the puppy in the trash and another is being his mom,” Rodrigues wrote. “What a beautiful thing!”

Even though Julie’s heroic act is something you won’t see everyday, there are countless stories of dogs saving poor creatures that found themselves in times of need. This selfless puppy who adopted some orphaned baby opossums, is one of them. Have a look:


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