Terrified Rescue Dog Had Never Been Outside, Wags Her Tail For The Very First Time

Out of the 150 dogs rescued from a hoarding situation was a 3-year-old dog named Blossom. Blossom was terrified to be around people or other animals, writes ilovemydogsomuch

She couldn’t stop shaking and shivering.

Rocky Kanaka, one of the rescuers, decided to foster Blossom. He has been a foster parent for a long time now, and knew the only way to win Blossom’s trust and friendship was through patience. But even Rocky didn’t expect the amount of terror Blossom had inside her.

Blossom was scared of the sunlight, she was scared of the grass, she was scared of almost everything. She didn’t even know how to drink water from a bowl. It was as if she didn’t know how to be a dog.

It took 3 patient months of slowly letting Blossom get comfortable on her own terms. One of the things that helped her was Rocky turning her hiding spot into a cute little bedroom for her. Rocky was delighted when Blossom drank water from her bowl for the first time! He just can’t control his joy in the video below! How pure!

As the weeks went by, Blossom ever so slowly began opening up. And then one day, the miracle happened! Blossom wagged her tail! After 3 years in a hoarding shelter, and 3 months with Rocky, Blossom finally wagged her tail! Rocky was over the moon! Blossom had finally let go of her fears and come to love life! What an amazing story! Go Blossom!

Click the video below to watch Rocky and Blossom’s amazing story!

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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