Stray Dog Seen Wandering The Streets Carrying A Tiny Piece Of Bread To Keep From Starving

A Golden Retriever had been living on the streets of Turkey for weeks when a dog lover named Ayberk Ayar saw the dog wandering the streets with a piece of bread in her mouth. Ayberk snapped a photo of the dog and asked locals if they knew anything, and they said someone had recently dumped her, writes ilovemydogsomuch

Tracy Behnke, intake director of Rescuers Without Borders over 6,000 miles away, saw the Golden Retriever’s photo on Instagram and knew they had to act quickly. The organization asked some volunteers to pull the dog from the streets before anything could happen, but it was too late. The dog had disappeared.

People told the volunteers that a man was driving around with a Golden Retriever trying to sell her. They feared that he was trying to sell her for breeding purposes, so they searched all over until they were able to locate her in a shed. It was dark and she had no food or water.

Harper gave kisses as if to thank the kind people for rescuing her. It’s like she knew she would never have to live on the streets again.

Harper was placed in foster care in Turkey until Rescuers Without Borders could figure out how to transport her to the United States. The dog got her medical checks and papers, and then she was put on a flight to San Francisco!

Tracy Behnke and her husband flew in from Oregon to meet Harper at the airport, and they fell in love with her. She was very sweet but a bit timid from living on the streets, so they had to hand feed her to get her to eat. She was just a little unsure of everything.

Harper is now with a foster family in Washington state and getting used to living like a dog. She really loves playing outside in the grass.

Harper’s adjusting to her new life and really coming out of her shell, and it’s the most amazing thing to see.

The Golden Retriever will spend several more weeks at her foster home before being put up for adoption. The Rescuers Without Borders team will do everything in their power to help the sweet dog find the perfect family.


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