Used As Bait & Shredded To Pieces, He Almost Lost His Life But Never His Dignity

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A Pit Bull named Elijah was found in Hialeah, Florida, on the brink of death. He was critically ill and in severe shock, and would have died if he wasn’t rescued when he was, writes

Thankfully, 100+ Abandoned Dogs of Everglades Florida stepped up to help, and rushed him to Bluepearl Pet Hospital for emergency surgery.

At the hospital, he received intensive care with IV fluids, antibiotics, and got his wounds cleaned and bandaged. His wounds were so deep that maggots were living in them.

Elijah’s rescuers believe that he was used as a bait dog in an illegal dog-fighting ring, and then was dumped when he was no longer needed.

“What this does to me, I can’t put into words. I can’t understand and wrap my head around how anybody could purposely, purposed put an animal through such pain and suffering and torture,” Amy Roman of 100+ Abandoned Dogs of Everglades Florida, told CBS Miami.

The surgery wound up saving his life, and he went on to recover at a foster home.

His healing went so well that he has since found a loving forever home in Delray Beach that he is now settling into.

Elijah may be missing an ear and have scars from his horrible past, but none of it defines him. He is still such a sweet and friendly dog, and he is enjoying his second chance at life.

Watch him in his new home in the video below:

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