Visitors See Disabled Puppy As An Abomination, No One Will Give Him A Chance

From the moment he was born, Captain Morgan the American Staffordshire Terrier puppy was singled out as the “ugly one” in the litter, writes dogfull

His owner, most likely a backyard breeder, was appalled to see the puppy’s “half-formed” right ear and missing left eye. And just like that, the owner separated “the imperfect puppy” from his mother and siblings, and dumped him at a rural high kill shelter right after his birth.

While most shelter visitors considered Captain Morgan to be an abomination, foster coordinator Nicole Horabik was the only one willing to take a chance on him. She rescued the 8-week-old baby from the kill list and took him home to her other rescue dogs who also suffered from disabilities. Despite having a rough start in life, Captain Morgan began mingling with his colorful foster family.

As the weeks passed by, Captain Morgan turned into a cheerful and affectionate dog. He was unaware that the world saw him differently because of his “deformities” and simply wanted to be loved. However, people still kept getting repulsed by the innocent puppy.

One day, Nicole made Captain Morgan pose with a signboard message that summed up his story in the best possible way! The picture below was circulated far and wide as it hit home with thousands of animal lovers. This ultimately helped Captain Morgan find a family that embraced him with his “imperfections”!

Today, Captain Morgan’s story has become an inspiration for the “unwanted”, “disabled” and “visually unappealing” animals around the world. Nicole believes that every dog is perfect in their own way, and all they really need is a family that loves and accepts them as they are!

Click the video below to watch Captain Morgan beating his “imperfections” in his foster home.


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