She Was Confined To A Tiny Cage At Dog Meat Farm And Her Time Was Running Out

All Emily had known was the confines of a small, filthy cage on a dog meat farm in South Korea, writes ilovemydogsomuch

She was in deplorable condition, living in oscillation with her paws raw, swollen, and in excruciating pain from standing on wire floor. She had severe mange, which caused her to lose most of her hair, and since she was never treated, it continued to get worse.

But her ailments were the least of her problems; Emily would soon be slaughtered for meat, but thankfully rescuers from the Humane Society of the United States intervened.

One scorching hot day in July, rescuers arrived at the meat farm and first laid eyes on her. They got to her just in time to save her from this nightmare, along with the 130+ other dogs who were stuck at this awful farm with her.

They rushed Emily to a local animal hospital, where she was examined and treated for her issues. Seeing her today, you would never think she was the same dog. Her transformation is absolutely incredible, and she has blossomed into such a beautiful dog, inside and out!

She is now living in Florida with her new family and enjoying every second with them. She went from being confined to a small cage to now having a big backyard to run and play in. She has made new doggy friends and is so sweet and friendly to everyone she meets, despite everything she has gone through.

Watch her rescue and jaw-dropping transformation in the video below:


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