Poor Woman Takes In Paralyzed Dog No One Wants Then Has To Let Him Go

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Our dogs, like our children, are ours for the span of their lives for better and for worse. They cannot control what may happen to them and that includes disease and illness, writes ilovemydogsomuch.tv

For one dog, named Bong, his life started out like most. He was active and happy. He was so well-trained that his owners allowed him to wander the neighborhood on his own (which is a common practice in this small village). He always came home. He spent most of his days playing at the park with other dogs.

Then suddenly, out of nowhere, Bong woke up one morning and his back legs were paralyzed. Instead of getting him proper vet care, he was disgustingly put in a cardboard box and thrown away.

Thankfully a kind old woman heard his cries and came to rescue him. She was heartbroken. She even recognized the dog from the neighborhood.

She vowed to care for him day and night. The old woman is referred to as Grandma by all her neighbors. She’s such a sweetheart. She makes sure Bong is taken care of before she is. She cleans him and pads his hindquarters with a blanket and some handmade bandages.

Because he drags his legs when he’s on the go, she has to make sure he doesn’t injure himself.

She does all she can for the sweet dog, despite being poor. But she is wealthy in other ways– she has tons of love to give!

When Grandma needs to do stuff around the house, Bong always wants to follow. He loves her so much.

Bong also has a best friend who comes to visit. Knowing he’s limited on what he can do, his best friend’s owner tries to make Bong happy by bringing his best friend to his house. When they see each other, Bong gets so excited.


But when it is time to leave, Bong tries to follow. It frustrates him that he can’t keep up. He watches his favorite friend leave. He tries to follow her but he can’t keep up.

It seems Bong is continuously watching, sadly, as other dogs walk and run. You can see he is emotionally suffering. He wants to do what his body no longer can: play just like he used to.

As Grandma sees Bong, she cries. She sees that he’s suffering and says that if he would have been found and adopted by a rich family, they would be able to pay for his medical care and he would be walking again. It makes her so sad that she’s too poor to get him proper help.

Volunteers stop by when they hear about Grandma and her situation. They have lots of presents for Bong like a new bed and some toys. They also bring him a big bag of food. Bong is so happy. But then they give Grandma and Bong the greatest gift of all! They volunteer to take Bong to the vet! Free of charge! It’s time for them to see if Bong can use his back legs again.

After an MRI, Bong is diagnosed with Myelitis of the spine. This could be a game-changer. Myelitis, in this case, has a 70% recovery rate!

When they give Grandma the news, she cries and cries. She’s so happy that there’s a good chance Bong is going to get better. But she’s also sad that he needs to stay at the hospital for a while. She’s going to miss him so much!

Now it is time for Bong to get treatment! Rehab begins and Bong has hope. So do the volunteers! This is going to be an uphill battle but Bong and Grandma have a lot to live for. Let’s cheer them on! Bong has a way to go but we are praying for a full recovery. Can you pray too?

Please take the time to watch Bong’s story in the video below. It is so touching!

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