Man Knew She Was Dying In His Arms So He Did What He Thought Was Best

Ayita was living a deplorable life in Patterson, New Jersey, writes dogfull

By the time Craig, from New York Bully Crew, arrived at the abandoned house she had been trapped in, he was floored by her condition. Ayita was so small yet still crammed in a tiny cage.

Once Craig let her out, he could see that she struggled to walk. He didn’t understand the extent of her disability yet but he welcomed her with open arms. Craig decided to foster Ayita at first. After multiple vet visits, she was finally diagnosed with a rare condition called MPS (or mucopolysaccharidoses). Ayita cannot properly metabolize sugar.

This condition doesn’t stop Ayita from living her best life even though she struggles to get around. Craig, who refers to himself as a ‘Pit Bull’ because of how he looks, knows firsthand how looks can be misconstrued. Ayita looks disabled but she still manages to get around.

As time went on, Craig realized that this special dog belonged with him permanently. With him, she can truly thrive. When Craig sings to Ayita, it gets her little body going. She loves it! She’s also incredibly happy to be at Craig’s side. She refuses to let him leave the house without her.

Now comfortable, Ayita is coming out of her shell. She even sings back to her dad in her own special way. Craig promises, however, that it’s Ayita who makes him appreciate so many things he never did before. In the video below, by The Dodo, he says, “She’s made me look at the world in a different way.” Those are some powerful words that are fueled by love.

Despite how happy Ayita is and how well she’s doing with her new dad, her life expectancy isn’t very long. Her vet estimates she may live only two more years. But to her dad, that doesn’t matter. She has gone from being unwanted and trapped in a tiny cage in an abandoned house to living a dream life. Her dad even dresses her up like a princess because to him, she is one!

Craig adds in the video, “They do say that the more loved they are, the longer they’ll live. So if that’s the case, she’s gonna be 20.” Okay seriously, Craig just may be the best dad on the planet. We’re beyond thrilled that Ayita was rescued in time and lives her days with the perfect family. To watch Ayita and Craig’s story, click on the video below.


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