Mama Elephant Lets Out Gut-Wrenching Cries As She Tugs At Her Unconscious Baby

The sanctuary workers at Olaro Motorogi Conservancy in South West Kenya were in for a very disturbing day when one of their baby elephants got trapped in a snare, writes ilovemydogsomuch

The snare was positioned by the evil poachers who were after the elephants’ tusks. When the workers found the 2-year-old elephant screaming for help, they immediately called for help.

The medical team had to dart the baby elephant with sedatives to make sure they were able to treat his wounded leg comfortably. But as the baby lost consciousness, the mama elephant’s heart sank. She was already worried about her baby’s injuries, and watching him fall flat to the ground caused her to panic.

In this video, we see the miserable mama elephant desperately tugging at her baby to wake him up. She uses her legs to force the baby to sit up, but the young calf keeps collapsing. The mama elephant stamps her feet and begins letting out heart-wrenching cries as she fears the worst, and this makes it riskier for the vets to go near the calf.

Finally, the vets resort to sedating the distressed mama elephant in order to tend to her baby. The vets then ensure that the baby elephant’s snare wound didn’t cause much damage. We are so glad this didn’t end badly for the mama elephant and her baby! As for the evil poachers, we hope they are caught and punished for their evil crimes.

Click the video below to watch mama elephant’s heartbreaking display of maternal love as she tries to revive her baby!


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