Dog Waiting To Be Butchered At Meat Shop Puts Paw Out To Passerby For Help

A good Samaritan was passing by when they noticed a dog chained up outside of a meat store waiting to be butchered. The American Eskimo dog offered the stranger a paw as if to ask for help, and the sweet gesture would be the thing to save her life, writes ilovemydogsomuch

The pedestrian freed the dog from the iron chain and metal frame and took her from the slaughterhouse. It’s believed that the dog was once a family pet and was likely stolen and sold off to the meat shop, with the act of reaching out of her paw in such a way being a good indicator of this.

A local animal lover adopted the dog now named Yuan Yuan. She’s now a happy and healthy pet with a sweet personality who loves to smile at anyone she meets! The owner released this rescue video on the Chinese version of TikTok, Douyin, to raise awareness and urge for stronger animal abuse laws in the country.

Watch the precious act in the video below:


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