Farmer Comes Across A Newborn Baby Goat And Counts Eight Legs

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In Croatia, a baby goat was born with eight legs. And that wasn’t the only thing different about this little fella; it also came into the world with both male and female sex organs! It was dubbed the “Octogoat” and a true miracle of nature writes

The “Octogoat” was born in Croatia with a condition vets said was the result of an underdeveloped twin sibling.

A goat with eight legs has been born on a farm in Kutjevo, Croatia.

“I counted his legs and I thought I was seeing things,” farmer Zoran Paparic had told reporters. “Then I called my neighbor to make sure that I am not crazy.”

A goat with eight legs has been born on a farm in Kutjevo, Croatia.

Anyone who came across the goat was just amazed by it.

Unfortunately, there was a good possibility Octogoat wouldn’t survive and, even if he did, its quality of life wouldn’t be great. It would be terribly difficult for it to walk and live a normal life. If it could make it through the trying first week, it could live up to three years.

Mother nature sure can be full of wonder and surprises.

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