Scared And Lonely She Spent Her Entire Life Locked In A Filthy Shack & No Vet Care

When Viktor Larkhill and his team of rescuers got to Pepa, she was in terrible condition, writes ilovemydogsomuch

She had spent her life in a filthy shack with no veterinary care. She had large mammary tumors, a bad skin infection, and was extremely weak.

If she spent any more time in that shack, she would have eventually died there.

They immediately brought Pepa to a local animal hospital, where they examined her condition. She was very trusting of the staff there and knew they were there to help.

They treated her skin problems and decided that it was too risky to remove her mammary tumors, which had metastasized.

They gave her a much-needed bath, washing away years of filth. She was already feeling so much better.

Pepa may be an old dog, but she still has the heart and spirit of a puppy. She loves to run around and play, and she is always smiling!

Pepa now lives with one of their rescuers and is loving her new second chance at life!

Watch her rescue in the video below:


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