Man Enraged That Passersby Turned Blind Eye To Dog Eating With Snout Sealed Shut

A monster tied a dog’s snout shut in a cruel attempt to keep him quiet. The poor dog was then kicked out of his house and made to wander the streets. Passersby turned a blind eye to this tragic sight. Why no one intervened to help this dog breaks out hearts, writes ilovemydogsomuch

As he searched for food and attempted to eat, someone with a big heart finally spotted him! A local rescuer was called in. The rescuer was appalled. Who could do such a thing? All that mattered now was helping the dog. The rescuer names him Raha.

Raha is taken to the vet clinic nearby. It’s not as technologically advanced as the animal hospitals we are used to. However, they have all they need to help Raha. Everyone’s first priority is to alleviate the poor pup’s pain. Raha is given pain meds immediately.

The vet believes that Raha could be permanently deformed by his injury. He’s also shocked by Raha’s size. He’s 6 months old but he’s half the size he should be. The tie must’ve been on him for a long time since his blood work indicated that his body was seriously depleted. He was likely surviving on whatever he could drink.

Raha is first sedated for surgery. He needs to remain completely still to remove the tie from around his snout. The warrior pup pulls through surgery with flying colors! He eats his first meal with his snout free. He’s so happy to be able to eat real food!

After a few days at the clinic, Raha is able to go to a medical foster home. His snout still looks like there’s something tied around it. It had been there for so long that Raha’s skin is badly indented and he lost fur in that area.

Raha’s favorite thing to do at his new foster home is to play with his kitty friend. They get along great! There are other cats and dogs as well but one cat, in particular, is his favorite. Raha’s new foster mom adores him.

The lucky dog continues to heal. He’s thriving in his new environment. Raha is gaining weight and learning how to wag his tail. After all, a dog like Raha isn’t used to be this happy all the time! See the amazing rescue and transformation for yourself. Aren’t animal rescuers the best?


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