Dogs Spend Weeks In Parking Lot, Refusing To Move From Spot They Were Abandoned

Dogs are loving and loyal. They bond to their humans and never want to leave them. But not all humans bond with their dogs, writes post.bark

Two dogs in Florida were stranded in a parking lot when they’re owner left them to fend for themselves. Witnesses say that the dogs spent most of their time sitting in one spot. It’s probably the spot where the person they loved most in this world left them.

The pair ran from everyone who tried to catch them. Finally, humane traps set by 100 Abandoned Dogs of Everglades Florida did the trick.

Rescuers recorded a video of the pups’ car ride to safety. You can see how close they are snuggling. They are extremely bonded to one another.

The pair are currently up for adoption, however, they must be adopted together. They deserve to have a loving and secure home where they stay best friends forever.

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