Minutes Before Old Crippled Dog Was To Be Put Down, He Skulked Toward Last Hope

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A dog, despite health challenges, deserves a happy life but some owners couldn’t care less. When this dog struggled with an ailing body at an old age, his family did the unthinkable. They brought him to a kill shelter where he was automatically put at the top of the euthanasia list. A senior dog that couldn’t walk was the least likely to get adopted
writes ilovemydogsomuch.tv

The very day his family brought him in, he was supposed to be euthanized. The poor dog, named Doc, didn’t stand a chance! But then an angel stepped in and changed his fate. McKenzie met Doc and says in the video below that she had an instant emotional connection with him. Her plan was to foster him and get him healthy.

McKenzie describes Doc’s body as the “most pitiful thing she’d ever seen.” His spine was literally protruding from his body. She and her boyfriend took Doc to the vet and he was diagnosed with degenerative myelopathy and suggested they humanely euthanize him because of all he had been through. But that was NOT what McKenzie wanted to hear.

The caring foster mom asked the vet if she could at least take him home so his last 24 hours could be spent feeling loved. The vet agreed. McKenzie spared no expense. She bought Doc a new bed, new toys, and a fancy dinner. She wanted to give Doc the best last day ever. She and her boyfriend took Doc outside and placed him on his new comfortable dog bed. They then gave him a special bone, his new toys, and set up a picnic.

Then something incredible happened! McKenzie and her boyfriend decided to put a sheet around his waist to see if he could get up and walk. Maybe feeling the grass beneath his little paws would make him feel happy. And guess what! It did! Not only did Doc walk with assistance, but he smiled proudly. This was exactly what he needed.

Once McKenzie, and her boyfriend Grant, saw that Doc could move his back legs a bit as if he was trying to use them, they decided there was no way they could put him down. They called the vet and canceled the appointment for the next day. As happy as they both were, they were also realistic considering Doc’s age and health… but then something changed again! You cannot miss Doc’s story. It is uplifting and inspiring. We are so grateful for Doc’s bravery and for people like McKenzie and Grant.

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Source ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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