Cyclist Finds Puppy Dumped In A Desert, She Lifts The Puppy But Puppy Goes Limp

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Cyclist Diane Lea set out on a “50 Causes Ride” to commemorate her 50th birthday. The idea was to cycle 50 miles a day for 50 days, with each day being dedicated to a cause Diane was passionate about. On the 9th day of her ride, she was cycling across the desert trail in Southern Arizona, when the sight of an unconscious puppy stopped her in her tracks writes

Someone had dumped the puppy in the middle of nowhere, and the brutal 105F heat was too much for the puppy’s fragile body. By the time Diane picked her up, the puppy was panting helplessly. Diane rushed the delirious puppy to her RV and offered her the little water she had. But then, the puppy completely went limp and unresponsive.

Diane panicked to see the puppy dying and tried a last ditch effort to save the poor baby. She poured the remaining water she had in a bucket and immersed the dehydrated puppy in the shallow pool of water. After some tense moments, Diane was finally able to resuscitate the puppy! She aptly named the little one Phoenix and took her in for the rest of her journey!

Diane has the habit of collecting different “road treasures” during her cycling expeditions, but she calls the 6-week-old Phoenix her best find! The person who dumped is yet to be found. But thanks to Diane’s amazing rescue efforts, Phoenix is now a happy girl living with her in her Florida home!

Click the video below to watch this dramatic rescue as Diane tries to save Phoenix before time runs out!

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