Puppy Mill Dog Flinched At Every Human Touch, So They Put Her Into Therapy

ASPCA workers rescued 150 puppies from an extremely appalling living situation in a remote puppy mill. All the puppies were being starved and neglected in filthy sheds, and most of them were caked in mud and feces. While some puppies quickly recovered and found forever homes, there were a few who were just too battered and broken, writes ilovemydogsomuch

One of the rescued puppies who couldn’t handle human touch. Clearly, she had endured frightening abuse and was mentally scarred by the experience. Usually “unadoptable” cases like Coconut are euthanized, but ASPCA staff transferred her to the Behavioral Rehabilitation Center in Madison, New Jersey, for some much-needed therapy.

For days on end, Coconut just wouldn’t stop shivering in her kennel. She had debilitating fear and anxiety around humans and her trauma came to the forefront whenever anyone approached her.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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