Drenched Stray Refuses To Budge From Rainy Parking Lot Until Stranger Throws Blanket On Her

Recently, an animal lover named Valinda headed to the convenience store on a rainy Sunday morning. But when she pulled into the parking lot, Valinda noticed a heartbreaking sight, writes blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood

There on the cold, wet concrete was a dog. The pup was soaking wet, miserable and shivering.

“I’m not sure where she came from, but I hope she never has to go back,” Valinda wrote on Facebook. “She had an obvious eye infection. Her hair was matted. She had an open wound on her leg.”

But if anyone was meant to find this poor unwanted dog, it was Valinda.

Since she was planning to visit the animal shelter to drop off some donated pet supplies, she had blankets in her car. She wrapped the dog up, but it was clear the pup was still too terrified to move in the rain.

Over the course of the next hour, Valinda did something for the poor shaking dog that would change her life forever…

Valinda Cortez is a passionate animal advocate. The southern mom volunteers her time and energy in an effort to help save abandoned and homeless dogs.

It was early in the morning and raining outside. Valinda was still wearing in her pajamas and flip-flops when she pulled into the parking lot on a rainy Sunday.

But Valinda never made it inside; when she spotted the dog sitting in the convenience store parking lot, soaking wet and all alone, she changed her day’s plans.

Valinda posted the following story on her Facebook page:

“This morning I came across this pitiful, wet, cold, hungry baby. After a while of feeding her beef jerky and dog food, we finally got a leash on her.

I’m not sure where she came from, but I hope she never has to go back.”

“She had an obvious eye infection. Her hair was matted. She had an open wound on her leg. I was out there in the rain for an hour and was freezing.

She had been out there alot longer than that so I can’t imagine how she was feeling.”

“I had blankets and dog food in my car that were supposed to go to the shelter.

They were definitely put to good use this morning.”

“Thank you, my wonderful friend, Sue Massi, for coming to get her. You are the best.

#SavingLives #RescuedIsMyFavoriteBreed”

Valinda’s friend Sue also dedicates her time to rescuing stray dogs. She immediately drove to the convenience store to meet up with Valinda and the pair brought the dog to the local animal shelter.

It didn’t take long for the dog they named Cassie to show her sweet personality. Now that she’s clean, dry and fed, she has undergone an amazing transformation… as you can see!

When it comes to animal abandonment, Valinda is sharing an important lesson.

“There are always options,” she told The Dodo. “What if I ignored this cold, wet, hungry dog and kept driving? She could have froze to death, been hit by a car or numerous other things.

It’s not that hard to find a shelter that will take your animal.”

I’m so glad it was Valinda who found Cassie that cold, rainy day. Best of luck to both of them!

Source: blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com

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