Stray Found An Empty Room To Keep His Paw Up With His Back Arched In Pain

Animal Aid Unlimited set out to rescue an injured dog who took refuge in an empty room. Builders found the dog favoring his front paw and realized that its skin was pulled back by a passing vehicle’s tire, writes ilovemydogsomuch

The poor boy’s back was arched in pain, and he needed help right away.

Rescuers got the dog back to the animal hospital to get to work. They administered pain meds and cleaned up his wound. It would take lots of bandage changes and cleanings, but his fear melted away quickly knowing he was now in good hands! And after just two weeks, the skin was already healing back together.

The good boy was able to start light exercise by week four, and soon after he was healthy enough to be neutered. His big personality was now coming through, and it became clear the world was better off with this pup around. Take a look at Jason today!


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