Dog With Broken Neck Screamed Out For A Lifeline & Heard Her Coming Near

When animal rescuers arrived on the scene, they were met with a soul-crushing scenario, writes ilovemydogsomuch

A dog was so desperate for help and in so much pain that she screamed in agony. The weather was unbearably cold. Her poor body, while exposed to the elements, had become stuck, practically frozen in place. It was painful and scary.

The rescuers could see the fear in her eyes as she continued to scream for help. They had no time to waste. Since this area is a popular “dumping ground” for unwanted dogs, it is possible she was abused first before being left to die. One of the rescuers moved her as carefully as possible into her car to head straight to the medical clinic.

The vet determined that the dog’s neck was broken. He can’t say for sure but he believes this was inflicted on purpose before she was dumped outside. In addition to her broken neck, she was starving. She needed a lot of calories to help strengthen her body that had been through so much.

The rescuer decided to foster the dog and take care of her medically. She knew that the bond they formed was quite precious to a dog like this one. Each day, the dog’s new foster mom works tirelessly to feed her and care for her the best that she can. The dog still cannot sit or stand. She needs a lot of rest.

The brave pup is still being monitored closely while evaluated weekly by the vet. They are doing all they can to give her the best life possible. Physical therapy is helping too! She is now able to hold her head up. What a huge difference in just a few weeks!

We pray that this sweet pup makes a full recovery. No matter what her life may look like now or in the future, what matters most is that she is safe and loved! Can we please send her all of our prayers? She deserves it! The little warrior’s rescue can be seen below!


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