Man Picked Up The Only Puppy In Litter Not Eaten By Vicious Lizard

A litter of puppies was born right beside a river, writes ilovemydogsomuch

A monitor lizard killed every puppy but one. Somehow, by the grace of God, one little soul clung on. The lizard bit off his front leg but the puppy still managed to fight to survive. Thankfully he was found quickly by a man walking by the river.

He called, in a panic, for someone to come and help. A nearby rescue group and vet clinic teamed up and sent several people out to help the puppy. He needed medical attention on the scene. It could not wait another moment. The puppy was bleeding out!

The rescuers administered first aid then bandaged the puppy up and took him in for care. He needed IV fluids, antibiotics, and pain medication. His tiny body had been through so much. He wasn’t just in physical pain. He had also lost his siblings. The rescuers were sure that the lizard had also chased away the pup’s mama for good.

The rescuers tried to search for the mom, just in case, but couldn’t find her anywhere. The puppy may be without his mom but he wasn’t alone! A woman heard about the little puppy warrior and offered to foster him. The vet cleaned the wounds and stitched the puppy up. He would be okay living with three legs. Dogs are very resilient and at the puppy’s young age, he would get used to it quickly. He now has a foster mom who adores him but because it’s a poor area, she can’t keep the puppy indefinitely.

Everyone is trying to find a forever home for the brave three-legged puppy. He deserves a happy life. Don’t you agree? Let’s give the little one a shout-out as he continues to heal by sharing this story with family and friends. ALL animals deserve love and this little one is no exception. Wait until you see how strong he is as he learns to get around on three legs. We are amazed! Check him out in the rescue video below.


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