Family Dumped Their ‘Ugly’ Dog, And Doctors Transformed Him With ‘Life-Altering’ Surgery

It might be an uncomfortable truth, but for many pet-lovers, superficial beauty of their pets supersede their love for them, writes ilovemydogsomuch

This is the story of a dog called Bjarni, who was found in the streets of Huntsville with a disfigured face. This dog seemed to have gone through an awfully painful past.

Bjarni only had half a nose and many bite scars, likely from an attack by another animal. He had mites and crooked teeth and was struggling to eat and breathe. When his owners were tracked down, they refused to take him back, even when they were told of the possibility of him being euthanized.

St. Francis’ Angels co-founder Anne Graber was heart-broken at his devastating condition

St. Francis’ Angels co-founder Anne Graber was heart-broken at his devastating condition. She took him to their shelter and went out of her way to get him treated for his injuries. Finally, Gulf Coast Veterinary Specialists agreed to medically intervene.

After surgery, Bjarni’s face is completely re-aligned and he can breathe and eat properly! Despite having harsh experiences, Bjarni is the friendliest dog in the shelter. “Vivacious and engaging. He is totally unaware of his limitations and disfigurement,” Anne told the Huffington Post.

Update: We are happy to say that Bjarni has found a nice forever home with a family that is accepting of him and is filled with love! He began his new life with a new name ‘Hogan’.

We’re all crying happy tears! Go, Hogan!


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