Dog Hanged By Wire Pleaded With Eyes For Rescuers To Find His Injury & Heal Him

Max is more than a survivor. He is the epitome of what makes dogs so amazing, writes ilovemydogsomuch

Despite being hanged and tortured, he accepted help from caring humans who found him just in time. The dog was callously hanged by a wire. The wire became deeply embedded into his neck from sheer force and the skin started to heal over it.

In order to treat Max without causing further harm, the area must be numbed. The vet gives him aesthetic as well as pain medication. Max is scared but very cooperative. He lies there weak with pleading eyes. He knows he needs help but humans have betrayed him before.

Thankfully, it doesn’t take long to remove the wire but his wounds will take time to heal. Infection is the number one concern. He will be well-cared for with antibiotics and pain meds. In just a few short weeks, with close monitoring, Max looks so much better. His skin is healing. Now it’s time to discharge him from the vet clinic and head to the White House (which is Viktor Larkhill’s home and large animal shelter).

Max makes friends immediately. He is a friendly, happy boy. He loves the other dogs so much. He spends most of his time when he’s not eating or sleeping, rolling around on the ground, or chasing the other dogs at the White House. He bonds closely with Spotty and Nancy, two permanent residents of Viktor’s home.

It’s obvious he’d fit into a home very nicely and now that he’s on the mend, it’s time to find Max a forever home. It doesn’t take long. Thanks to social media, a family is located that wants Max so badly. The family is located in Scotland! Viktor happily boards a plane with Max and flies over.

The deserving dog meets his new family and it’s love at first sniff! He especially adores his new human sister. They’re inseparable! Max had been through so much. It’s incredibly heartwarming. Max, you are an inspiration to all!


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