German Shepherd Barks & Nudges Farmer To Look In Pile, But Man Ignores Him

German Shepherds are confident, smart, and courageous dogs who are described as loyal, courageous, and confident by their owners. However, one German Shepherd from Lancaster, Pennsylvania, proved he’s so much more than a loyal, loving dog, writes ilovemydogsomuch

While out on his owner’s farm, the dog, named Tracy, found an American Bald Eagle trapped in a manure pit. If Tracy didn’t alert his owner of the bird, the winged wonder might have perished. What happened next is quite simply amazing.

The dog kept running over to his owner, trying to tell him with canine body language and barking that something was wrong. Although the owner didn’t follow the dog back to the manure pit, Tracy refused to back down. Over and over, Tracy diligently went to her owner to alert him of the injured bird. Finally, the farmer decided to follow the dog, and that’s when he realized what was happening. The poor Eagle was drenched, freezing, dehydrated, and eventually tested positive for lead poisoning.

The man called for help, and the Pennsylvania Game Commission arrived on the scene about an hour later. They transported the sickly bird to a wildlife center where warm baths were started to help the eagle recover. An anonymous donor donated over $4,000 for the test that wound up saving the eagle’s life. Thanks to the diagnosis of lead poisoning, chelation therapy followed over the next few weeks. Day by day, the bird showed signs of recovery thanks to the persistent German Shepherd who found him.

Once the bird recovered, game wardens allowed Tracy to see and meet the eagle she saved face to face. “This is a pretty unique story,” Tracie Young, the founder and rehabilitator of Raven Ridge Wildlife Center, said. “Over the years, we’ve had other instances of animals saving lives, but none quite like this.”

Kudos to Tracy, and thanks to everyone who helped the eagle recover!


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