Dad defends pit bulls after being criticized for letting them nap with his baby

Some dogs get unfairly stereotyped because of their breed, and no one has it worse than the pit bull. Pit bulls have long been feared by the public and seen as naturally vicious and violent dogs, writes moneysavingbasics.

Like every breed, it all just depends on the dog’s environment and upbringing. Many pet pit bulls are incredibly sweet and friendly, both with humans and with other animals.

But their vicious reputation has caused a lot of harm for the breed: they often have a difficult time getting adopted, and are often used in illegal dog fighting operations. They’re the most common breed in shelters.

Many pit bull lovers work hard to dispel the myths and clear their good name… like one dad, who defended the dogs after being criticized for letting them near his baby.

Jarad Derochey is the owner of MVP Kennels, breeding American Bully dogs. He’s a firm believer that these dogs make great pets despite their reputation; his Instagram shows how happy and friendly the pit bulls can be.

He trusts his dogs so much that he’s comfortable with them spending time with his young children.

While many pit bull skeptics are especially worried about how they’ll behave with babies, Jarad showed that the dogs can cuddle peacefully with the kids.

While many found these photos adorable, others did not: Jarad apparently received some backlash from people concerned he was putting his son’s life in danger by letting him sleep with a pit bull.

But he defended himself, and the dogs. He spoke out and said not only were his pit bulls so sweet and gentle that they would never harm his children, but that he hoped the precious photos and videos would open people’s minds about the breed.



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